When you provide a much valued dental service right across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly it’s not easy getting your colleagues together but we did just this in November. Our Smile (Get) Together took place at Heartlands in Pool, Camborne where everyone engaged so brilliantly in the event, recognising just what an exciting and successful journey we are on together. There was such a buzz in the room in both the shareholder meeting and the later sessions, where our guest speaker Conrad Humphreys didn’t disappoint – sharing such incredible experiences and inspiring us all to relate his learnings to our business developments in line with our vision, mission and values. We were thrilled to be able to announce the £1m investment in our business to support us in delivering Harleigh Road Dental Centre, which is something we are all very proud of, and our retention of Cornwall Air Ambulance as our charity for another year, to particularly support their fundraising for a new, faster, better equipped helicopter.
As well as the speeches, a rolling slideshow of images throughout the day highlighted many of the amazing things we’ve done together this past year – an important reminder of all that we do as a team of people, the difference we make and the fun we have on the way in our employee-owned social enterprise.
Working in partnership is an important factor in our success, so we were grateful to Bishop Fleming who supported our shareholder meeting, to the team members from Fuel, A Grain of Sand, Cornwall Air Ambulance and Healthy Cornwall who also joined us on the day, and to our Staff Council who organised a fun fundraising bingo in the evening!